Besides bicycles can easily look boring and uninspiring, when viewed from above, you can also have different activities on the yard interfere with the surrounding apartments. The impression can easily get a bit messy. And for those who use the yard occasionally you can also get a feeling that you are being watched.

garden division

?To further create different room classifications, parts of the bike park could be a design where the bikes takes less courtyard space and at the same time is protected by a roof. They hang on the racks in the protection of a vaulted ceiling which gives a soft and smooth appearance. From the windows you will then see fewer bikes. Meanwhile, you can plant trees that divide the yard and veil from view. If you have difficulty in planting trees you can use umbrellas for the same purpose. It may also be possible to place artificial outdoor trees that weigh less than real trees and do not have any root system. (Click picture to advance.)


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